We are barraged each day with customers and distributors who
all have great things to say about DRY WASH 'n GUARD® products
and/or the DRY WASH 'n GUARD® Business Opportunity. You will
find over the next few months many testimonials will be added
as we take the opportunity to video some of the individuals who
have contacted us. Visit this page regularly so you can see the
excitement our products bring to customer and distributors nationwide.
William Hall

Bill has some fantastic vehicles in his collection. One of his
best examples of fine motoring is the Bentley S3 that he owns.
William has tried all the products he could get his hands on
in his time trying to find the finish he was lookign for. DRI
WASH 'n GUARD® Ultra-ION™ Waterless Carwash was a big hit
with William and his pride and joy is cleaned, polished, sealed
and protected in one easy step with a result better than anything
he has seen. Ever. (File Size: 3.2Mb)
John Williams

John is a succesful real estate agent in Liverpool. He has a
great looking E-class as a result of his hard work. One thing
he doesn't have to work hard at is keeping his E-class in a showroom
shined state. Hear what he has to say about DRY WASH 'n GUARD® Ultra-ION™
Waterless Carwash. (File Size: 1.9Mb)
Jim Seeger

Jim has a lot to say about DRY WASH 'n
GUARD® products and what they have done for his Audi. His
Audi looks great! Click on the picture to hear a little bit
of what he likes about Ultra-ION™ Waterless Carwash. (File
Size: 3.5Mb)
Stuart Hanson

Stuart loves Fords, and the two great
vehicles he owns prove it, especially his XY GTHO Phase 3.
Stuart also loves what DRY WASH 'n GUARD® products do for
his vehicles. A finish second to none... (File Size: 2.8Mb)
Ken Farley

As a 747 pilot for Singapore and Ansett
Airlines, Ken has flown all over the world in his time. He
hadn't seen anything like the DRY WASH 'n GUARD® line of
products. His De Haviland Chipmunk has never looked better.
(File Size: 2.9Mb)
Ken Jolly

Click on the picture to hear what Ken has to say
about Dri Wash 'n Guard® products and why he uses the DWG®
product line exclusively on his Maserati and Austin Healy. (File
Size: 1.5Mb)
Colin Rule
Colin Rule is a master in the vehicle restoration
business. Click on his picture above to find out what he uses
to clean, polish, seal and protect the works of art which roll
out of his workshop. (File Size: 2.6Mb)
Galleria Veloce
It's not just individuals that are using the DWG®
product line. Galleria Veloce is one example of a premium auto
house that uses our product line to keep their vehicles in showroom
condition. (File Size: 1.7Mb)